QRZ! Ham Radio 3
QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 3.iso
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From philabs!prls!pyramid!voder!apple!bloom-beacon!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!ucbvax!PRIME-A.CENTRAL-SERVICES.UMIST.AC.UK!NSUM20 Fri Mar 17 09:55:57 EST 1989
Article 10420 of rec.ham-radio:
Path: philabs!prls!pyramid!voder!apple!bloom-beacon!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!ucbvax!PRIME-A.CENTRAL-SERVICES.UMIST.AC.UK!NSUM20
Newsgroups: rec.ham-radio
Subject: IC32E/AT/A ... mods
Date: 16 Mar 89 14:40:44 GMT
Sender: daemon@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU
Organization: The Internet
Lines: 74
v 9951
[9951] B BID: 5613_SV1IW
Date: 31 Jan 89 03:15:42 Z
>From: SV1IW@SV1IW
Subject: IC-32 Mod
R:890131/0315z 9951@GB7NWP [_1111 Altrincham, Ches IO83uj]
R:890131/0056z 13557@GB7CDM [_111 Northwich]
R:890130/2255z 4387@GB7DQW [_282 Shrops/Mid WALES NTS 2m/70cms]
R:890130/1921z 8290@GB7SUT [Sutton NTS BBS _291 1299.00 Port(4)]
R:890130/1910z 47568@GB7NTS [Daventry NTS ] $ 1.3 Ghz 9600 Baud Port 2
R:890130/1727z 7565@GB7SPV [NTS _332 Stevenage, Herts]
R:890130/1700z 12554@GB7VLS [NTS _352 Norwich, Norfolk.]
R:890130/1646z 9976@G3LDI [Norwich, UK JO02ON. HF/144.650]
R:890130/1620z 5613@SV1IW [ATHENS - AMEA Net]
Hello everybody, new radios are getting more and more complicated, don't
you agree?
Here is a modification for the new Handheld Icom xcver IC-32 which will make
it to act as a cross band repeater!
1. First take off the battery pack.
2. Remove the 4 screws from radio's back.
3. Remove two screws above and below the PTT and take the whole thing off
so the four microswitches are revealed.
4. Take carefully the radio apart by slightly pushing away the front cover.
5. Put the two pieces in front of you with the front part at your left and
the back at your right. Be carefull with the ribbon joining the two
pieces!!! Orientation is as usual with the place that the battery plugs
down and the top of radio (i.e. where the antenna goes) up.
6. Find some pads with diodes in the lower right of the left part (front) of
the radio below to the speaker.Take a look in the drawing below:
Top of the radio
[[-|>--[[ The number of diodes installed in the top 3 pads
[[-|>--[[ depends on the frequency coverage of the rig, maybe
[[ [[ two or all three.
@DDAD This is a small diode, by removing it the unit
will receive from 300-370 Mhz but this is an
untested mod!
[[-|>--[[ When you cut this one crossband repeater is enabled!
[[ \ [[ If you put this diode crossed and have full
frequency coverage not only you enable cross band
repeater but you can insert the frequency from the
keypad starting from second digit (without this mod
Bottom of the radio when you wish to insert a frequency in another
where battery plugs decade from the one you already are, you have to
go there manually).
Last but not least to enable cross band repeating first choose a pair of
frequencies with the two vfo's for VHF and UHF.Then press and hold function
key while pressing with the other hand the following "C" "6" "D". The radio
will start scanning the two frequencies continiously, if a station is heard
in one of the two it will retransmitted from the other! The two frequencies
must be simplex, no cross band repeaters yet sorry!
Next John? >